
One river, two countries, two cities: Narva / Estonia – Ivangorod / Russian Federation. The twin fortresses situated on both sides of the Narva River was in the past a location of Swedish, German, Estonian and Russian influence; nowadays the site represents the border between the European Union and the Russian Federation. In autumn 2014 this was the setting for the first Baltic Sea Youth Dialogue.

Using the geographical location of the twin cities, the international youth encounter looked at the region as a microcosm of European history from the times of the Hanseatic League to the 21st century and analysed its historical and current settings linked to borders, identity, mobility, inclusion and dialogue. Almost 25 years after the restoration of national independence in Estonia and ten years after the first eastward enlargement of the EU and at the beginning of the Estonian presedency of the CBSS, 22 young Europeans met in Narva and Ivangorod, at the edge of the Estonian-Russian border.

#balticeye is part of the First Baltic Sea Youth Dialogue, organised by the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) Secretariat and EUSTORY in cooperation with Narva College. It is supported by the Körber Foundation and the CBSS.

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#sharedpast, #borderlife, #identities; #ourgeneration; #wherewecomefrom